On this 18th of June in Geneva, Openheadend will be one of the guests at the EBU Network Technology Seminar. EBU is the annual meeting for broadcast experts dealing with IP infrastructure, and specialists dealing with broadcast media content. This is an event not to be missed, all registration information can be found here. We’ll be showing a comparison of error correction algorithms in a simulated congested network. The demo showcases a very clear difference.
Here are some details about how the demo works. France Télévisions‘s france:info channel is streamed from Paris to Geneva via SRT to an OpenHeadend virtual machine. The stream is duplicated locally and sent through a WAN emulator allowing to configure latency, jitter, and packet losses, using 4 protocols: plain RTP, FEC, SRT and RIST. The 4 signals are received by another OpenHeadend instance and the results are presented in a mosaic. We will publish a video on the blog after the event.
We hope to meet you in Geneva!